School Garden Update

The Community School Garden at Beachmere State School was originally set up in partnership with Beachmere Area Network Group and 2016 is its second year of its operation as a shared project.

Over the past 18 months the program has  consolidated  as the garden has adopted an approach which is more engaging of the children's input.

Students not only tender the plants and water the garden, but we are developing more activities growing vegetables from seed. 

We  grow and harvest a variety of different produce -- depending on the season --from herbs like parsley, basil, mint and dill; to lettuces, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, cabbages, beans, carrots, spring onions, kale, peas, loofahs and sunflowers. We keep a lavender hedge, run a worm farm and share our activities with a hive of stingless native bees.

Harvested produce is currently taken by the children or supplied to the school tuckshop.

While a small group of students maintain the garden most school days, on Thursdays approximately 200 children, from all levels, attend the patch for garden based activities. 

It can be full on.

We are fortunate in having Denise King, a trained horticulturalist, on hand to guide our activities.As well  volunteers ensure garden upkeep during term and school break.

Since  Thursdays -- all day --can be very busy we could do with more volunteers to help the children with their activities. If you can volunteer, please contact the school on (07) 5433 9222 and sign up to its volunteer program.

Generally, the main volunteer days in the garden are Thursdays and Tuesday morning, with Tuesday being primarily a working bee activity attending to maintenance.

If you have any questions about the project you can ring Dave Riley, the co-ordinator, on 07 3331805.